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These products are available for your encouragement and edification. They also make great gifts. For Such a Time as This is a prophetic book about the coming Great Awakening in the United States and throughout the world, which will happen in concert with a new reformation of the Church. The price of For Such a Time as This is 15.00 plus 4.00 shipping and handling (total 19.00). Supernatural Encounters with God is a testimonial book with some teaching interwoven throughout. It is an easy read for all ages and for Christians and non-Christians alike. The price of Supernatural Encounters is 15.00 with 4.00 shipping and handling (total 19.00). Kingdom Manna is written in a devotional style and includes teaching, testimony and prophecy. It is for more mature believers and makes an excellent study guide for Bible study groups. The price of Kingdom Manna is 20.00 plus 4.00 shipping and handling (total 24.00). The praise and worship CD, For Such a Time as This, is 10.00 plus 3.00 shipping and handling (total 13.00).

For Such a Time as This: Making the Case for a Great Awakening and New Reformation of the Church
Many today are looking for and prophesying a great spiritual awakening coming to the United States and the rest of the world. In the pages of this book, you will find, not only a case for such an awakening, but also for a new reformation of the Church, which the author believes will sustain this next Great Awakening, taking the Church beyond the Protestant Reformation and subsequent moves of God that have brought us to the present time.
15.00 + 4.00 S/H
Total 19.00
Supernatural Encounters with God: A Spiritual Journey
It has been said that a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument. Down through the centuries, theology has produced many unresolved debates, but when a person has a genuine spiritual experience, theology and debate have little, if any, relevance.
In the pages of this book you will find numerous supernatural encounters with the Creator of the Universe. Spiritual experiences, most of which the author has played a role in and been a witness to. These events have shaped and molded the author's life dramatically, in a fashion that goes beyond theology and doctrine. This has been a spiritual journey, one that will inspire and challenge the reader to experience all of God there is and receive all that God has provided.
15.00 + 4.00 S/H
Total 19.00
Kingdom Manna: God's Plan for Our Changing World and Your Part in It
There is a growing prophetic movement within the church today which is producing not only prophets, but prophetic teachers, who have their finger on the pulse of God, hearing His heartbeat and discerning His passion for the time in which we live. As we enter this new day (millennium) on the timeline of history, we find ourselves in an era of great transition, resulting in much turbulence within the church and the world. Turbulence sometimes manifests as tests and trials in the lives of believers and non-believers alike. In the pages of this book you will find the heartbeat of God concerning the challenges these changes are creating.
20.00 + 4.00 S/H
Total 24.00
Books by Lanny Swaim are also available from www.thepublishedword.com and from www.amazon.com.