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The Feasts of God (8)
Table of Contents
60. Trumpets: The Secret Place
61. Trumpets: The Secret Place (2)
62. Trumpets: Driven
63. Trumpets: Satan's Demise
64. Trumpets: Some Assembly Required
65. Trumpets: Some Assembly Required (2)
66. Trumpets: Some Assembly Required (3)
Chapter Sixty
The Feasts of God
The Secret Place
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Revelation 3:10
The fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets entails a prophetic people announcing the coming Feast of Tabernacles, when everything comes to completion or fullness. The process that will ultimately bring about this end has already begun and is accelerating.
We must realize this process not only involves the people of God but the nations as well. While the true Church is moving toward her eternal destiny, which is perfection, the Babylonian world system is racing toward destruction. As God’s glory is increasing upon the earth so is Satan’s evil.
The good news (Gospel) is that God will protect His own from the hour of temptation (testing) if we dwell (live) in the secret place of the Most High.
Where is the secret place of the Most High?
Two aspects of this secret place can be found in Psalm 91, and a third aspect can be found in Hebrews.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psalm 91:2
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.
Psalm 91:9 (See also Ephesians 2:19-22)
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9
So this place of safety requires trust, rest and abiding (living) in the Lord. Patience (see Revelation 3:10) in times of trouble (tests and trials) is the vehicle that produces rest and trust in us, which enables us to abide in the Lord completely; that secret place of safety where no harm can touch us; which is the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles.
It is a carefree place (see 1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6); a place of total abandonment of ourselves and complete surrender to God’s plans and purposes. Another way of saying it is a place of total abandonment to God.
Like Job of old, we reach that place through much tribulation. Tribulation is simply a testing process designed to reveal the character of God in us. It is only as we trust Him in the tests and trials that we come to that place of complete rest (abandonment to Him), which produces in us the peace that passes all understanding (see Philippians 4:7).
I don’t think we can completely trust God until we can say with Job:
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.
Job 13:15
Is that not a place of total and complete surrender?
You see, it is our will that must be broken. If we could simply chose the right way and do the right things, we could avoid the tests and trials of life. But we are incapable of choosing the right way and the right things.
In many ways we are like a wild horse. Wild horses cannot be ridden. First they must be subjected to a breaking process. Not until a horse’s will has been broken can it then be useful to a rider.
You could say that breaking the horse diminishes the horse’s freedom but actually it frees the horse to become useful with purpose.
So it is with us.
The ultimate outcome of this breaking process we go through produces in us complete trust, rest and peace that cannot be disturbed by the circumstances that living in a fallen world may bring our way.
That place of complete trust, rest and peace is the secret place of the Most High. It is abiding (living) in Him completely. Not only is it a place of trust, rest and peace; it is a place of victory.
The apostle Paul said it this way:
For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:36-39
We are now in the prophetic fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets. A trumpet people (the last trump/see 1 Corinthians 15:52) are declaring (prophesying) the fulfillment of the coming Feast of Tabernacles; a place of complete trust, rest and peace for the people of God.
This trumpet people are not only announcing the coming Feast of Tabernacles; they are beginning to experience the fruit of Tabernacles (trust, rest and peace) to a greater degree than anyone has in the past. They are finding that secret place of the Most High!
Perhaps you are a part of this prophetic remnant, chosen to be the firstfruits of many more to come. I know I am and I can assure you, everything I have suffered in preparation for that which is coming is already paling in comparison to the foretaste of that which is coming.
Surely we were born for such a time as this!
All glory to God.
Chapter Sixty One
The Feasts of God
The Secret Place (2)
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
If something is a secret it is hidden. It is a mystery.
Jesus spoke of the mystery of the Kingdom of God (see Mark 4:11). Paul spoke of a mystery in numerous places in his epistles. Revelation speaks of the mystery of the seven stars (see Revelation 1:20), the mystery of God (see Revelation 10:7), Mystery Babylon (see Revelation 17:5) and the mystery of the woman (see Revelation 17:7).
The secret place of the Most High is a mystery to all except those who have tasted of it and are to some degree experiencing it.
The protection found there is not something that can simply be believed or realized by confessing it. It must be experienced and that experience can only come about after one has been subjected to a process of dying to self, enabling that person to find a more complete trust.
It is the kind of trust that can only be realized when one can identify with Job and say, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (see Job 13:15).
That kind of trust is a place of total surrender or abandonment to God’s will and purposes for us, regardless of the cost to us. But I can assure you, any cost is minimal compared to the result. That kind of trust brings rest (a total and complete retirement from our own labors) (see Hebrews 4:9) and the peace of God, which passes all understanding (see Philippians 4:7).
The world knows nothing of this secret place. They have no clue that it even exists.
And it is sad to say, but most Christians are just as ignorant of the reality of this secret place.
But for those of us who have tasted of it, we will never be satisfied until we have experienced it fully (completely).
Just a taste is enough to rid us of fear. All fear stems from the fear of death.
In the secret place of the Most High there is no fear of death, because we have already passed from death to life. Having died to self we are experiencing the process of resurrection and being caught up into the heavenly realm.
It is impossible to kill a dead person. Having died to self we are now alive in Him.
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:11
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Romans 15:22
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20
Now, while we are all in the process of dying to self completely, there is a remnant that has perhaps died to self more than most, having been put through a process of rather severe and intense tests and trials, enabling them to become the firstfruits and forerunners of many more to come. For those of us who are of this remnant, we are becoming the reality of Romans 6:11, 15:22 and Galatians 2:20. And we are discovering what it is to dwell (live) in the secret place of the Most High.
Surely we were born for such a time as this!
Chapter Sixty Two
The Feasts of God
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Matthew 4:1
And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12 (emphasis added)
In the above scripture references are two different accounts of the same occurrence in Jesus’ life, while He was on Earth as the Son of Man. Matthew says He was led of the Spirit. Mark says the Spirit drove Him, indicating Jesus had little if any choice in the matter. So which was it? Led or driven?
Perhaps it was both.
A person can put a bit in a horse’s mouth and lead or guide that horse from a position in front of the horse. But in order to plow with a horse one has to walk behind the plow and guide the horse by driving it. My experience has been that the Holy Spirit sometimes and perhaps often leads us by driving us, especially when we are plowing new ground for the advancement of the Kingdom.
When a horse is led from the front to a specific destination, the path taken to arrive at that destination may not be clear once the journey is complete. However, when a horse plows a furrow by being driven from behind there is no question as to the path taken. There is a plowed furrow revealing the exact path taken.
So it is with us.
When we are gently led of the Spirit and arrive at a specific destination, one might question the path taken to get there. Not having a clear picture of the path taken may open the door to question not only the path taken but if one was actually led of the Spirit in the first place, and if the destination was Spirit determined or self-determined.
When being led of the Spirit there is always the possibility that the flesh is involved, tainting the revelation of the Spirit or even completely replacing the leading of the Spirit with one’s own thoughts.
However, when the Spirit drives us as He did Jesus in Mark 1:12, we have little if any choice in the matter. There can be no doubt that the journey was Spirit orchestrated and the destination was Spirit determined. The nature in which we received guidance from the Spirit (being driven) becomes confirmation that we are on the right track.
I find it interesting that Jesus had to be driven just as we sometimes do.
The writer of Hebrews informs us that Jesus was tempted in every way known to mankind (see Hebrews 4:15). Perhaps the fact that Jesus was driven by the Spirit enabled Him to speak and act with full authority (see Matthew 7:29).
So it is with us.
In recent years much that I thought to be truth has come into question. As I have studied the scriptures, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (see 2 Timothy 2:15), comparing scripture to scripture in light of the many types and shadows found in the Old Testament, and in light of the Feasts of God, which are a picture of the New Testament Church; I have come to realize much that I considered truth was at best only an in part understanding and in some cases completely wrong.
These new understandings have been revealed to me by the Spirit as I was being driven by the Spirit to not only make changes in my thinking, but also in the daily walking out of my life. The Holy Spirit has driven me in such a way that I had little and more than likely no choice in the matter. Hence, the doctrinal changes in my thinking and the course my life has taken are beyond question. You may question it, but for me there is no question, and in many ways I am literally betting my life that I am on the right track.
Even with the confirmation that comes from being driven, and with revealed scripture that continues to jump off the pages of my Bible, occasionally I am still tempted to doubt when the circumstances of my life sometimes put intense pressure on me. This is why we need the constant fellowship of like-minded believers, seeing and hearing much of the same we are seeing and hearing concerning the truth found in Bible and the truth concerning the Kingdom of God.
The realization that we are not alone, knowing others are seeing and hearing the same things being revealed to us, gives us the courage to continue on even though the majority of believers disagree with us, and in some cases shun us and even come against us.
Because God has orchestrated our lives in such a way that we cannot doubt what we are seeing, hearing and experiencing, we are compelled to proclaim the truth we are now living to the rest of the Church and the world. We have been entrusted with a Gospel (good news) that is more complete than what we have known in the past, and we must seek out those with ears to hear and preach/teach the truth that will literally change the world, bringing the Kingdom in earth and on Earth as in Heaven, glory to God!
Surely we were born for such a time as this!
Chapter Sixty Three
The Feasts of God
Satan’s Demise
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Revelation 20:1-3
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Romans 8:19
The Book of Revelation is not The Revelation of Saint John the Divine as the KJV titles it. Neither is it The Revelation of the End-Times as many view it today. No, it is The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is disclosed in Revelation 1:1.
It is only in reading it as The Revelation of Jesus Christ that the vision John is relating to us becomes clear.
The Greek word for revelation is apokalupsis. Its primary meaning is an uncovering.
It has been said that the Book of Revelation is the fifth account of the Gospel, with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John revealing Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and Revelation revealing Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Isaiah 25:7 speaks of an uncovering or unveiling concerning the nations:
And he [the Lord] will destroy in this mountain [Mount Zion/Jerusalem/the true Church] the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations [Gentiles].
In Luke 2:32 when Simeon held Jesus as a baby, he prophesied these words over Him, sealing His destiny to be revealed to the nations:
A light to lighten the Gentiles [nations], and the glory of thy people Israel.
In Romans 8:19 the word manifestation is the same Greek word, apokalupsis, which translates as revelation. The Amplified Bible gives us a clearer picture of this scripture reference than the KJV:
For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].
In the Hebrew culture of the Bible a son was a mature child, ready to receive his inheritance from his father, and operate in all the authority of his father’s name.
There is a direct link between the revelation of the Sons (mature believers) of God and the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not only the revelation of who Jesus is as King and Lord, but the revelation of who we are in Him as kings and lords. And as Jesus is revealed in believers, causing them to grow to maturity, He is revealed to the nations (Gentiles), becoming that light to illuminate the nations with His glory, which was prophesied by Simeon.
As Jesus is fully developed in a people (see Galatians 4:19 AMP), enabling them to function in all He has provided for them and in all the authority of His name, the devil’s power will be greatly diminished, ultimately resulting in his demise, when he is locked away for a thousand years, then released for a short period of time before being done away with permanently.
It is seeing Jesus as He is rather than as people perceive Him to be that brings change. Only those who are born again (born from above) (see John 3:3) can even begin to see Jesus as He really is. The revelation of Jesus to an individual can only be understood by a spiritual individual (one born again), and that revelation comes to us as a process. It is impossible to fully know Jesus in an instant just as it is impossible to fully know anyone at the first meeting or even after several meetings.
My wife and I have been together for many years, and yet I find I am still getting to know her. I know her much better today than I did the day we were married but I am still discovering new things (new to me) about her. These new things I continue to learn about her could be called revelations. As we walk out our life together new things are being revealed or disclosed to me about her and the more I know about her the more I love her. I find it amazing that I can love her more than I did the day we were married and yet, somehow I do.
So is our relationship with the Lord.
It is impossible to know the Lord without that relationship changing us on the inside, which then manifests on the outside. As Jesus is revealed in us it changes the way we think and act, which in turn brings change to the circumstances we find ourselves in and to the world around us.
God’s love is an incredible, encompassing phenomenon that has a total impact on the one or ones being loved. John 3:16 informs us that God so loved the world… That means everyone, not just those who are born again.
The reason He must have a born again company of believers is to reveal that love to the rest of the world. We that are truly born again are not an elite group that will go to Heaven while the rest go to Hell. Rather, we are God’s chosen vehicle to reveal Jesus to the rest of the world, ultimately bringing about the restitution of all things (Acts 3:21) and the salvation of all people (see 1 Timothy 2:4).
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:12-16
To have the mind of Christ is to think the same things He thinks. It is to see exactly what He is seeing because we hear exactly what He is hearing. When this becomes our complete and continual experience we will no longer know in part and prophesy in part (see 1 Corinthians 13:9). We will literally have the mind of Christ, which will in turn cause our actions to be the same as His actions, bringing to pass the full manifestation (revelation) of 1 John 4:17:
As he is, so are we in this world.
In 1 Corinthians 2:16, the word instruct is sumbibazo in Greek. We tend to think of instruct as it relates to teaching but in this passage of scripture it goes far beyond teaching. It literally means to join, knit and unite. It also means to prove.
This verse can be read two ways. It can be read as the Lord instructing the believer or as the believer instructing the Lord, and either would be correct because it is not so much about teaching or ordering as it is about becoming one with, joined with, knitted together and united, which not only proves the Word of the Lord to us but also proves that Word in us, hence proving our faith and character.
Imagine not just a few (remnant) as is the case at the present time, but masses coming to this realization (revelation). We of the Remnant Bride of Christ are but the firstfruits of many more to come and come they will, because this is and has been God’s plan since before the foundation of the world! This is our destiny. It is forever settled and a sure thing. Nothing can stop it and when it comes to completion (fullness/perfection) the devil is finished; at least for a thousand years after which he will be released for a short period of time before his ultimate demise.
Those of us who have begun to experience this reality (truth) in our own lives are already realizing that the devil has no power or authority over us. Where we are personally concerned, he has already been locked away and should he try to escape we need only to command him back where he belongs.
Our experience will become like that of Smith Wigglesworth, the great healing evangelist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who was awakened one night to find the devil standing in the corner of his room. This was not a demon but Satan himself. Smith looked at him and said, “Oh, it’s only you.” He then turned over and went back to sleep.
Smith understood that the devil had no power or authority over him and so it should be with us, and when enough of us come to that realization, being revealed as the Sons of God, we will utilize our authority to ultimately bring about the demise of Satan.
Surely we were born for such as this, and surely, we are the devil’s worst nightmare.
Glory to God!
Chapter Sixty Four
The Feasts of God
Some Assembly Required
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25 (emphasis added)
But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.
Hebrews 12:22-23
Hebrews 10:25 has been used to encourage believers to go to church. My question is this: if we are the Church how can we go to church?
Church buildings owned by groups of believers may go back as far as the second century AD, but the idea of great cathedrals came about in the fourth century, during the time that the Roman Emperors Constantine and Theodosius made Christianity the state religion, marrying Church and state; an act of spiritual adultery that divorced the Church from her Bridegroom, Jesus. Christians began viewing the architectural structures as churches rather than people as the Church. This coincided with the unscriptural clergy/laity system being put in place as well as numerous other heresies.
The Protestant Reformation righted some of the doctrinal wrongs of the Catholic Church, but left in place the clergy/laity system and the idea of buildings being churches.
While the Book of Acts and the epistles don’t say a great deal about how believers met in the first century, there is enough said to give us a clear understanding that believers assembled together primarily in homes, sometimes coming together in larger groups; perhaps in a borrowed or rented facility, except in Jerusalem where they gathered daily in the Temple and from house to house (see Acts 5:42).
First century believers didn’t go to church. They assembled together as the Church, and they ministered to one another rather than sitting in a pew being spoon fed from an elite group known as the clergy. There was no laity in the first century Church. All were considered to be kings, priests and ministers, as had been taught by Jesus and the apostles.
Local churches were identified only by the city or region in which they existed. Beyond that they had no other name (the Church at Corinth/the Church at Rome/the Church at Ephesus, etc.).
Whenever two or more believers assembled together they could have church because really it wasn’t about having church; it was about being the Church.
Saints of God, I believe we are now entering a day (millennium) when God is no longer going to bless the unscriptural ideas and traditions of men that may have begun as far back as the second century, became a false foundation for the (Catholic) Church in the fourth century, were carried over into the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century and continue to be in place in so called evangelical, charismatic and independent churches today.
In order to continue on with the Lord in this new day (millennium) we are now entering, we must divorce ourselves from this man made system and begin to once again build in the pattern of the first century Church; a pattern that was established by the Holy Spirit, taught by the apostles and has not changed simply because carnal men thought they had a better idea.
The Lord made this clear to me in two night visions I experienced recently. These night visions were actually confirmation of other events the Lord has orchestrated in my life to show me His ordained structure for the third day Church, in this new millennium we have now crossed the threshold of.
In our next teaching on the Feast of Trumpets, I will share with you the two night visions and other events that make up the apostolic vision I have been entrusted with for the third day Church.
Surely we were born for such a time as this.
Chapter Sixty Five
The Feasts of God
Some Assembly Required (2)
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
Joel 2:32 (emphasis added)
Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Hosea 6:1-2 (emphasis added)
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
2 Peter 3:8
We are now entering into the third day (millennium) since Jesus finished his work on Earth and sat down at the right hand of the Father. Historically and prophetically, the Church has experienced two of the three feasts that Israel kept every year under the Old Covenant. These feasts were types and shadows of the New Testament Church. We have experienced Passover (salvation), Pentecost (the baptism with the Holy Spirit) and are now entering Tabernacles (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelling in his people in fullness, bringing the Apostolic Church birthed on the Day of Pentecost to completion).
Today God is calling out and raising up a remnant to be the firstfruits of this third day Church, reviving us to spearhead the greatest move of God ever experienced on planet Earth. Our preparation has involved severe tests and trials, but He is healing us and binding us up, building His character in us and equipping us for the time ahead.
Surely we were born for such a time as this.
The Harvest Center
In the spring of 2000 I met Miguel Escobar. Miguel was a revivalist who ministered in over ninety nations before he transitioned to Heaven in 2019. Miguel and I ministered together numerous times and became good friends. Some time ago I met Miguel and some other ministers in Christiansburg, VA, to spend some time in prayer at a Christian retreat center that was closed down for the winter. Miguel shared with me an idea he had for revival centers all over the United States. From Christiansburg we traveled together to minister in Newnan, GA. We stayed together in the home of Preston Haag. One morning at 4:00 I was awakened and the Lord began speaking to me about Miguel's idea. He told me it would come to pass and that I would be a part of it.
The next morning I told Miguel and Preston what the Lord had said to me during the night. A few weeks later Preston and some others started The Harvest Center in Newnan, as a start to the fulfillment of this vision for revival centers. He and some others that joined him were given the use of a store space on the main street in downtown Newnan. They had their first meeting on a Friday night and over 80 people showed up with only word of mouth advertising. Some couldn't get in and stood on the sidewalk outside, with the door open so they could hear.
God’s presence manifested with signs, wonders and miracles and this continued for many weeks thereafter. I ministered there several times. Often the meetings would go on until 3:00 am. I have seen people born again, baptized with the Holy Spirit, delivered of demons and healed. I've seen much gold dust there, oil running out of people's hands and I've sweated oil out of my forehead as I was leading worship. Numerous times I've smelled a sweet aroma come into the room and I've heard angels singing.
But like all the revival moves of the past, these meetings at The Harvest Center were short lived, and are no longer going on. Perhaps they were just a precursor of that which is to come.
I believe these revival/training/worship centers will be much more than what we saw in
Newnan. I see these centers becoming apostolic umbrellas or hubs with ministries and house churches being connected by them, and many sent around the world proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom.
A Prophetic Word & Open Vision
In 2004 the Lord told me to start monthly meetings in various cities that would be another step toward fulfilling Miguel's vision of revival centers. During the last half of 2005 I had three meetings in operation. These three were Brunswick County, Wilmington and Jacksonville, all in eastern North Carolina. The Jacksonville meeting was not growing very much and I considered shutting it down, but the Lord spoke to me and said that I had to continue going to Jacksonville. Robert and Ann Meadows had been coming to that meeting since the first night. They had started a church in their home near Maysville, NC (between Jacksonville and New Bern) and then moved to a modular building across the road from their house. Robert and I were both aware of a prophecy that Derek Prince had given in Jacksonville a number of years before.
I have found favor with you here in eastern North Carolina. I will personally visit you. There will be a revival greater than that of the great Wales Revival at the turn of the century (20th Century). There will be kings and leaders who will come from north and south and east and west to study the eastern North Carolina phenomenon.
Many people in eastern North Carolina are aware of this prophecy. Some have a wait and see attitude about it. Others believe that God is calling out and raising up believers that will be instrumental in bringing this prophecy to pass.
Robert and I met one Monday morning at his house to talk and pray about this prophecy and about the Jacksonville meeting. The Lord instructed us to move the Jacksonville meeting to the church building across from Robert and Ann’s house (Jacob's Well Christian Fellowship Church).
Robert had shared a vision with me that he had seen as he was driving home one day. In a field across the road from the Jacob's Well Church building, he had seen a large building with acres of parking lot. (He actually saw this with his physical eyes.) The Lord told him this was a training center where people would come for a period of time and then go out all over the world. Another man saw this same vision and Robert's daughter dreamed it. All three saw it independently of each other and then shared it with each other. Since then others have seen it.
As Robert and I were praying together in his living room that Monday morning, I told him that every time I thought of this vision the Lord had shown him, I heard the Lord say, “16,000 people.” Robert laughed and said the Lord told him the main auditorium in the building would seat 15,000 people.
As I was driving back toward Wilmington on Highway 17 that afternoon I asked the Lord, "Why did you tell me 16,000 and you told Robert 15,000?” The Lord quickly spoke to me and said there would be a 1,000 seat overflow room where smaller meetings could be held.
A little farther down Highway 17 the Lord spoke to me again. He said, "The revival that Derek Prince prophesied will issue out of the three places you have started meetings in eastern North Carolina.”
In Prince's prophecy he said that kings and leaders would come from north, south, east and west to study the eastern North Carolina phenomenon. I asked the Lord, “What is the phenomenon?” I thought phenomenon was a strange word for the Spirit to use in a prophetic word. Immediately he said to me, “The phenomenon is my glorious Church, built according to my blueprint and functioning according to my plan.”
Two Night Visions
Several years ago my wife and I were attending a local church that met on Sunday mornings and had cell groups that met in various homes during the week. I had hoped the cell group meetings would be times when we could practice and learn to flow in the gifts of the Spirit, ministering to one another as we were led by the Spirit to do so. However, the cell groups were very controlled by the leadership of the church. At best they were Bible studies and social get-togethers. Bible studies and social get-togethers are good, but I had hoped for more.
During this period of time I had a night vision. I was asleep but it was too real to have been a dream. I saw Jesus sitting on His throne. I couldn’t see His face because His head was as bright as the sun and yet, I knew He was looking at me. He said, “The (name of the church we were attending) has it backward. They think the church comes together on Sunday morning and breaks up into cell groups during the week, but the cell groups are the church and they come together on Sunday morning.
A friend later pointed out to me that this is the pattern of the Jerusalem Church of the first century:
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 2:46-47
And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:42
We know from Paul’s letters that the churches he established also met in homes, perhaps coming together in larger rented or borrowed facilities, such as when Paul was in Troas and spoke until dawn (see Acts 20:7-11).
Later I had another night vision in which the Lord appeared to me in the same way He did in the first one. This time He said to me, “It is time to start that church.” I said, “But Lord, I’m not a pastor.” He said, “You are an apostle.”
The next morning I asked the Lord, “What is an apostle?” I knew apostles started churches and nurtured them but I felt there must be something else I didn’t know. He led me to 1 Corinthians 3:9-10:
For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon (emphasis added).
The word masterbuilder in Greek is architekton. It is where we get the English word architect. So an apostle is the one with the blueprint.
Remember what the Lord told me about the phenomenon that Derek Prince prophesied for eastern North Carolina? “The phenomenon is my glorious church, built according to my blueprint and functioning according to my plan.”
Many are looking for a revival/move of God like those of the past, but what is now happening in the beginning stages in the United States and already accelerating in other countries will go beyond anything God has done in the past, including the first century Church. James Rutz has written a book documenting what is going on in much of the world. The book is entitled “Megashift”. On page one he says this:
A leper is healed in the marketplace.
A paralyzed man leaps from his bed.
A small bit of food feeds a large group.
Storm clouds turn on a dime.
The gospel is preached in one language, but heard in another.
A desperate woman with a flow of blood is healed.
A demonized man chained up for years is delivered and set free.
The sound of a mighty, rushing wind is heard during a meeting of believers… yet there is no wind.
Withered limbs are restored.
The deaf hear, the blind see.
A girl is raised from the dead.
And Jesus appears in a vision to one of His chief persecutors.
Great historic events by any measure. And all have happened in the last twelve years.
After 2,000 years of people praying, “Thy kingdom come,” it has. And you are about to dip your toe into it.
On pages 26 and 27 he makes these statements:
Campus Crusade for Christ now estimates we’ll see a billion new converts in the next ten years. My numbers project a net growth of the body of Christ at a billion and a half. But any way you slice it, the kingdom is expanding at a heart-pounding pace.
Within a few years, at current rates, the character of whole nations will be transformed. Majorities will become minorities and vice versa.
As national strongholds of sin are dismantled and pits of misery cleaned up, the true purpose of God for many nations will be revealed. We are in the early stages of a total transformation of our planet.
On page 25 he says there are 175,000 new believers being added to the Kingdom every day throughout the world!
I don’t know about you but that makes me want to shout! And it confirms everything I have been prophesying/proclaiming/teaching.
As I was pondering all this, the Lord began to show me the reason His remnant in the Western World has appeared to be small and growing slowly. He is preparing a people in the Western World to go and teach those in nations where the Kingdom is expanding so rapidly; and to be the firstfruits of that expansion in the Western World. This preparation is a process that takes time.
We in the Western World are not going to be left out. We will once again be at the forefront of what God is doing in other nations, as has been the case in history. Only this time we will get it right like never before, having been through a process of maturing unlike any other group in history, fulfilling Paul’s statement in Romans 8:18-19:
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
While God can and is raising up and bringing to maturity servant leaders in other nations, I believe he is also preparing a remnant in the Western World for the task of discipling around the world.
In Summary
I believe the revival centers Miguel talked about and the vision Robert Meadows and others have seen in that cotton field near Maysville, NC will be catalysts, becoming apostolic umbrellas or hubs connecting many house churches, where the five-fold functions mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 will be in operation, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. I believe this is a pattern or picture of what the third day Church will look like structurally. This will not be another denomination, organization or even association but an organism, whose movements are orchestrated by the Holy Spirit and whose structure is built by Jesus himself.
While there is a certain amount of organizational structure to this emerging Church, I believe it is more about the Kingdom of God coming within us as individual believers and as that corporate man, the collective Body of Christ; one with each other and one in Him as He manifests Himself fully in us, causing us to be not only his representatives on Earth, but to also possess His nature and character to a greater degree than ever before, being carriers of His blessing and His goodness/glory; manifesting the Kingdom of God in earth and on Earth as in Heaven, glory to God!
We have crossed the threshold of the day (millennium) when we will become the glorious Church (see Ephesians 5:25-27) that Jesus will present to Himself a perfected Bride. We must lay down all traditions and ideas of men and build according to God’s blueprint. For most of the last two days (millennia) of Church history the Church has been focused on doing church. It is time to focus on being the Church, which will determine how we do church.
Every move of God, every revival, every outpouring of the Holy Spirit has been but stepping stones to the day we are now entering. As we come to a better understanding of Passover and Pentecost, and as we move into Tabernacles, I believe we will see God’s power manifest in greater measure than ever before as it issues out of His nature and character being fully developed in us (see Galatians 4:19 AMP), bringing us to perfection/completion, glory to God!
God continues to connect me with others who share this vision, or very similar visions. As an apostle and prophetic teacher, part of the ministry He has chosen me for is to find and connect others of like mind. For some, what I am seeing is confirmation. For others, it is clarification of what they have been experiencing but perhaps not totally understanding. I am in awe of how the Spirit is speaking the same things to so many at the same time. There is definitely a remnant company of believers coming into the unity of the faith, and that is incredibly exciting.
There are already house churches meeting in perhaps every city in the United States. In “Megashift” Rutz writes of a meeting in a gymnasium somewhere in the United States, bringing together a network of ninety-three house churches. However, many of the house churches currently meeting in the United States are doing so independently of each other. God is about to have apostles like me find and connect those who will embrace the vision.
Perhaps there are ministries and existing churches that God has ordained to become some of these apostolic hubs. However, at the present time most seem reluctant to give up tradition.
This is a vision whose time has come. I have prophesied it for several years and suddenly God is putting it all together. He has been preparing and positioning apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors (overseers) and teachers for such a time as this, and I suspect we are about to find it hard to keep up with all He is doing.
Surely we were born for such a time as this! Surely we were born for this time!
Chapter Sixty Six
The Feasts of God
Some Assembly Required (3)
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
Hebrews 10:7 quoting Psalm 40:7-8
In our last teaching on the feasts, we looked at a prophetic word given by Derek Prince in Jacksonville, NC on April 6, 1975:
I have found favor with you here in eastern North Carolina. I will personally visit you. There will be a revival greater than that of the great Wales Revival at the turn of the century [20th Century]. There will be kings and leaders who will come from north and south and east and west to study the eastern North Carolina phenomenon.
As a keeper of this prophecy, I asked the Lord one day, “What is the phenomenon?”
Very quickly He answered me saying, “It is my glorious Church, built according to My blueprint, and functioning according to My plan.”
The revival Prince prophesied will not only be greater than the Welsh Revival of 1904, it will never end, unlike the Welsh Revival and others of the past. It will be the beginning of the completion/perfection of the Church, which will literally change the world.
Recently I was given a book by some friends in Pennsylvania, entitled The Seed of a Nation, by Darrell and Lorrie Fields. I had gotten about half way through the book the first time I read it when I heard the Lord say, “The revival Prince prophesied for eastern North Carolina cannot happen until it begins in Pennsylvania, because Pennsylvania is the seed of the nation.
William Penn’s vision was to establish a political model of the Kingdom of God on Earth as in Heaven, and he called Pennsylvania a holy experiment, believing that God would make it the seed of a nation.
History confirms that Pennsylvania did become the seed of our nation. During the American Revolution, York was the temporary capital of the Continental Congress, with the Articles of Confederation being drafted and adopted there.
In November of 2018, in cooperation with the York Aglow Chapter, I held a meeting in York to pray for revival in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States.
In that meeting I led a time of praise and worship, and we experienced the manifested presence of the Lord among us. I then brought a message after which we broke up into small groups to pray and share as the Spirit led. Then we came back together and one person from each group shared with the entire group what had taken place in their group.
I left that meeting refreshed by the presence of the Lord, and by the time of fellowship and ministering to one another. But I had no overwhelming inward witness that we had impacted the area, the state of Pennsylvania or the nation for revival.
The following morning I attended the regular Aglow meeting held in the same room. Teresa Greco was scheduled to lead worship at that meeting. I had not met Teresa prior to that meeting.
The following is Teresa’s account of what happened that morning as she entered the building and during a time of prayer before the meeting began:
As I entered the gathering room before the Aglow meeting, I sensed that something powerful had taken place in that room. There was a sweet, but strong presence and anointing lingering. I went to a classroom to pray with some others prior to the Aglow meeting, and as we started to pray, that sense greatly intensified. As one person started praying, I saw a very large white lion rise up and leap from the meadow on the north side of the building. It was wearing a white fur robe with thick spotted fur edges, a golden crown and was holding a golden scepter with a red stone on the tip. As it leapt, it gave an extremely loud roar that permeated the atmosphere, sending shock waves across the sky. After it had crossed the roof of the building, it kept on flying across the city of York and disappeared. His roar broke something loose in the heavenlies and cracked through a layer covering the atmosphere over the city. It was very powerful, and real. It took me a while to come back into the physical realm after seeing it.
Needless to say, Teresa’s experience and what she saw that morning confirmed to me that we had accomplished our mission the night before.
When I returned to Pennsylvania in May of 2019, everywhere I ministered I brought a message about a great awakening coming to the United States and the world; an awakening which must begin in Pennsylvania before it can spread to the rest of the United States.
And I held another meeting in corporation with the York Aglow Chapter, much like the first one in November of 2018.
During that trip I spent a few days staying with John and Teresa Greco in York, and attended a home meeting in their house. Another friend, whom I had met on an earlier trip to Pennsylvania, attended that meeting. He mentioned a meeting he had planned to have at his house in June, but then asked John and Teresa if he could instead have it at their house, to which they consented.
He then told me of a lady who was coming from another city in Pennsylvania to that meeting, and he said to me that he felt I should meet her. So about three weeks later I made another trip to Pennsylvania.
We met in John and Teresa Greco’s home on Saturday afternoon, June 22, 2019. There were ten of us present in the room that day, including the lady my friend had mentioned.
I have never been in a meeting quite like that one. It lasted for about six hours, which seemed like a few minutes. The Holy Spirit was continually, powerfully present in that meeting, with no ebb and flow but a progression toward a crescendo, which I don’t think we entered into the fullness of. Not that we fell short of the goal of that meeting, but rather that we set something in motion that will continue until it encompasses the entire Earth.
As the meeting got underway, the lady I was to meet spoke prophetically that we were sitting under the Council of Heaven (they were right above us), and that they were writing everything taking place in that meeting while at the same time, everything taking place in that meeting was already written and the Council of Heaven was reading it as it was taking place, in a sense actually orchestrating the meeting, even to the extent that the conversation of the meeting was more than our words, it was their words, which were written in the volume of the book.
At one point I said that I felt like we were in such a holy place and in such a holy event that we shouldn’t even be speaking but just sit there in silence, being a part of the moment in the most awesome manifested presence of God I have ever experienced.
And yet, what was spoken that day was necessary and prophetic, being written and having been written in the volume of the book.
During the meeting it was prophesied that prophecy is no longer going to be so much about someone standing up and saying, “Thus saith the Lord,” as we will actually become prophecy. Our very lives will prophesy of that which is happening and that which is coming. We will be made examples of the Word of God, of the purposes of God, of the love of God, to the extent that volumes will be spoken without a word being spoken.
Most of those attending that meeting realize that we were chosen to be in that meeting and to be a part of the purpose of God for that meeting.
The Lord quickened to me during the meeting that what we were doing was comparable to what our founding fathers did during the Continental Congress that was held in York during the American Revolution, when the Articles of Confederation were drafted and adopted.
What our founding fathers did impacted future history forever, not only establishing a nation but literally changing the world for future generations. They were operating in the natural realm but were backed by the spiritual realm.
What we did on Saturday, June 22nd, 2019 also has impacted future history forever, which will lead to the reestablishment of our nation as a Constitutional Republic and leader of the free world, literally changing the world for future generations. The difference is that we were operating in the spiritual realm and by doing so, changing the physical realm.
That meeting was a one of a kind meeting, with a very specific purpose, and the mission was accomplished.
While it was a one of a kind meeting, it was the beginning of additional meetings that will continue the purpose of that meeting, just as there were other meetings and documents that established the United States of America.
I suspect that each meeting will be different from the first but a continuation of the first. But what was born that Saturday afternoon was more than meetings. It was the birth of a movement that will entail the greatest awakening the United States and the world has ever known, which will include a new reformation of the Church, and ultimately the restitution of all things.
During and since that meeting I have felt enlarged on the inside, an experience comparable to and perhaps even greater than when I was first born again and baptized with the Spirit.
While much will be done and accomplished as the result of that meeting plays out, the ultimate goal of that meeting is not about doing, but rather about being. The playing out of the mission is about who we are becoming, individually and corporately as the Body of Christ, which will ultimately and literally change the world.
As this new reformation of the Ekklesia (the Greek word translated as Church, which in its most literal definition means a governing body) takes place, we will assemble together, not in the traditional sense, but in the sense of becoming one, having the same mind and progressing toward the same destiny, reigning with Christ as kings and priests, ultimately impacting and literally changing the world.
Surely we were born for such a time as this.
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